viernes, 20 de marzo de 2020



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All the world in a Map

Well in this topic Im going to talk about the difference of the names of the countries and their nacionalities.For example its not correct to say: Im from Mexican, in this case you need to say: Im from Mexico not mexican because Mexican its the nationality.

Here are some examples of Countries and their nacionalities:


Mexico                   Mexican
United States         American
Canada                 Canadian
Italy                       Italian
Japan                    Japanese 
China                     Chinese
Germany                German
Portugal               Portuguese
Spain                    Spanish
Switzerland             Swiss
France                    French
Nether Lands           Dutch
Russia                    Russian
Greece                    Greek
Korea                     Korean
Australia                Australian

That are the countries that have the Most English Speakers:

#1: United States Of America
#2: India
#3: Pakistan
#4: Philippines
#5: Nigeria
#6: United Kingdom

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